Fine Vehicles, Carriages, Buggies, Stanhopes,
Bartley J M Wellington.Well
Bailey Geo W wf Minnie C r 611 e 4th
Dugan C E Wellington.Well
Popplewell W G Rome.Jk Prilliman H Millerton.Ill
Heated and Lighted by Natural Gas
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance. Telephone 333
LICHTY BROS 112-114-116 n Washn tel 48
Rehorn Stella M student r 321 N Olive
Of Sumner County
PILE JOHN M reporter The Wellington Daily News r 903 w Lincoln
Peniwell John G wf R Lee clk Bee Hive Grocery r 912 n C
Ogden B F Ridings Crum C
Kelsey B F Rucker O E
Manufacturers of
Helm C M Milan.Spg
Gas and Steam Fitting, Sanitary Plumbing. Thrailkill John W wf Bertie E contr bldr r 821 e Harvey
Taneka Patin, of Brookside, fills out her ballot while voting Tuesday afternoon at Wornall Road Baptist Church, 400 W Meyer Blvd., in Kansas City.
Faught Pyrrhus E wf Annie r Elm cor South
Taylor L Alice Mrs fur rms 117 w 4th r same
Cleveland A M Caldwell 4.Bl
Harvey Av. Mider Peter Mayfield.Os
Scott Mrs M E Caldwell 4.B1 Shaffer Chas Milan Ry
Peters Eckert Ashton.Wal
Marshall Chas H wf Pattie W cond Santa Fe r 109 n Jefferson
Rench Wm C tinner Watkins & Son rms 607 s Jefferson
Coyne A R gas ftr rms 117 w 4th
Contractors Builders ^
Baumgartner C A Wellington.76
Brooks R M Portland.Ge
Richardson Frank wf Elizabeth trav r 211 n Ash
Corbitt Sami E packer Wellington Milling & Elev Co r 206 s G
Aldrich L B wf Martha A r 110 s G
McClaskey D J Ashton.Wal
Hoy Wm D wf Ida butcher
Almack E T Tanner Ed
DeYOE ELWOOD R wf Grace J plumbing gas and steam fitting wind mills pumps etc 112 e Lincoln r 216 s F
J GARLAND, President HENRY F. SMITH, Vice-President. Lynch Reason 215 s Washn
Seyfer R P Armstrong M C
Hickson J W Conway Spgs.Spg
108 S. Washington PHONE 92 Wellington, Kansas
Hull Thad Wellington.Jk
Jarboe Martha Oxford.Ox
Springfield, Mo. Wilson M B 109 1/2 s Washn
Nicholas J D Argonia.Dix
JACOB ENGLE dry goods, notions,
Brown Tom Alice r 104 s A
Adams Elias H wf Flora A team Aetna Mills r 521 s F
Peery B F Portland l.Gr
Capital stock $50.000. Lester Y Pearl r 808 s Blaine
SMITH & ROGERS 116 s Washn tel 181
Surplus Fund $25,000. 120 North Washington =:= =:= Phone 240
Henderson Aura IT carp r 320 w 10th
Oldenburg W E South Haven.S H
Curry J E Wellington..Well
Evans J E ex mess W F & Co Ex
Capital Stock, $75,000, Fully Paid. McCash M B Mayfield.Os
Lebeda Frank Caldwell.Cald
BARBOUR LOUIS E 306 to 316 n Washn tel 59 farmers phone 35
Akers O M Hawk J R
Quick Service. Rowan D F Milton.Ed Sanders R L Geuda Spgs.Wal
Crommell F C Hall M T
Pickard R B Caldwell.Cald
Davis Carey Milan.Ry
Mason Thos J wf Lula A harness mkr Fossett Bros r 107 1/2 n Washn
Dailey John Wellington.Av
__ Woods R H
Luening Blck206-208-210 s Washn. Riley Frank P wf Sarah J lab Worden & Co r 207 n Olive
W. M. Massey, W. M.; L. R. Shirlie, S. W.; F. H. Gilmore, sec; M. R. McLean, treas. Williams John G wf Sarah J trucker Santa Fe r 721 e 4th
Oswald F H Caldwell.Cald
Wellington, Kans. Qthe national bank of commerce
Moxen Joe Caldwell.Cald
Hart W H Jameson James
Krutsinger W M Corbin.Ch
Farm and City Property for Sale or Rent. THE NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE
Wagoner E J Mulvane 1.B P Wanger Jake South Haven.._.Ge
The National Bank of Commerce
Gilliland Letcher R r 1120 e 4th
Love Robt S wf Margaret S (Mayhew & Love) r 403 s G
McCormick Sanders Mayfield l.Os
Marshall Maggie R clk O S Finch r 623 w 4th
Wellington Commercial Club1121/2 n Washn.
Breneman Ira Edwards W G
Fullerton T Krebs F L
Clark U W Conway Spgs.Con
Scott Clara H wid Ira I tchr High School r 421 w Harvey
Brown A S Milan.Ry
104 S. Washington. Bailey A T Wellington.76
Shop at Residence, 401 N. Blaine Street
PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS. Jordan Estella E wid Wm H r 109 w 9th
Nail J B Mayfield.Os
Camp Lula waiter North Star Dining Parlor r 120 1/2 n Washn
Darby W T Argonia.Mor
Myers H Sparger A W
Acker L D South Haven.Ge
McDonald Roy team r 624 n Blaine See also Macdonald
McManis Scottie C tchr r 629 s F
Wicks W W Zirkle D L
W. ROBINSON. GLINES STUDIO 2d floor Security Bank bldg tel 30
Laughlin James Mayfield.Os
W. H. BURKS, Cashier.W. Parker, Lee Boyce, (Baptist) 318 s F.
Aubury G W South Haven.Jk
Bilderback W E Christy Wm
Bruton Mary Perth.Do
Henderson Millie student r 719 n A
SMITH IMPLEMENT CO farming implements buggies wagons and harness 122 and 124 w Lincoln F M Smith propr
Arnold Phil Oxford.Pal
115; Residence, No. Windell Atta W r 702 n F
Await Robert Browning G W
Neal Geo Caldwell.Falls
Hoagland Jacob Belle Plaine.Pal
Hardiman J W Geuda Spgs l.Wal
Seigfreid James Archer J L
PARK THE TAILOR high class merchant tailors 112 s Washn tel 232 A E Park propr Parker Chas rms 124 w 9th
Richards Chester Raymond rms 611 s Jefferson
Carry in stock a full line of
Stevens Morris rms 915 w Lincoln
Smith Wm H Benjamen F
Moore Wm H wf Faraba clk Santa Fe r 1220 e Harvey
LOVINGFOSS BROS 208 n Washn tel 387
J. H. Mitchell, Contractor and Builder
Holliday Geo A student r 223 e 11th See also Halliday
M. T. Turner, Prop. Billiter E F Milan.Ry Boatright J O Wellington 1.Su
Sommerville Jap Oxford.Ox Staley F K Argonia.Dix
Electric Bells, Bath Rooms and Sample Rooms. SOUTHWESTERN BUS CO office Arlington Hotel tel 158
Marshall N F South Haven.S 'H Mayberry G A Perth.Do
Furniture Repairs and Jobbing a Specialty 205 S. Washington Ave. Telephone No. Frantz W H Conway Spgs.Spg
McCarroll Phil Mayfield.Os
Holmes J D Peck.Lon
Darby Wm Belle Plaine 2.B P
Scrivens E D Wellington 4.Os Sharp M R Riverdale 76
B. Drummond, Mulvane. Molcomb J F Minniclt W T
Kaiser F M Argonia.Cr
Harrelson James F wf Julia live stk 313 e Lincoln r 512 n F
Scott Frank Argonia.Dix Seward Ray Portland 1 Gr
G. L. HYGH, Mgr. OsbornG. Kendall G E Springer J S
Shearman Grace coll r 124 n Park
We Solicit Tour Patronage, Offering Tou Our Excellent facilities for the Safe and Satisfactory Handling of Tour Business
One dollar will start an account. GLINES STUDIO UP-TO-DATE-WORRK "WE STRIVE TO PlEASE" Everything Photographic
Hunt Charlotte E student r 804 n C
Baynham J W Cashatt Andrew
Meade Arthur W r 103 s B
Dorsey A Conway Spgs.,Spg
Smith Robt J wf Lina postmaster 113 e Harvey r 724 n C
Hartsell John Oxford.Ox
Lowry J W Mulvane.Go
BAILEY MAKER OF PORTRAITS. 118 1/2 N. Washington Ave. : : Wellington, Kansas
AMSDEN LUMBER CO 113 to 123 w Lincoln rural phone 38 city tel 173
Buss W H Belle Plaine 3.Pal
Trapp O Ross tel opr Santa Fe rms 611 s Jefferson
We do a General Real Estate Business. Haley J C Howe Henry W
Greathouse L T Welington 3.Su
A general banking business transacted. 377
Electric Bells, Bath Rooms and Sample Rooms. W. R. MCLAUGHLAN, LOCAL MANAGER. Belle Plaine H. Hurst, Belle Plaine; S. R. Price, Belle Plaine; Chas. Prater Job S wf Martha E retd r 601 n A
"we strive to please" Everything Photographic
BARNETT TURNER wf Sarah D street commissioner r 606 n Jefferson tel 58
Haddock John W mach Santa Fe rms 1110 e Lincoln
COUNTY JAIL 121 e 10th
Morton George Oxford.Ox
MOSBY LINCOLN 401 n Blaine
Blank A Oxford.Gr Boone Warren HunnewellGe
Hal pin H McClure I T
Plumbing Goods, Gas Fixtures, Sewer
Judd M L McGill Robt
Douglass C S Belle Plaine 1.B P
Hilderbrand Henry wf Barbara E r 228 w 14th
Bailey G F Peck.Lon
Backer M Hunnewell.S H
Myers C J Mayfield.Ch
G. E. DADISMAN, MGR. Metcalf M R Wellington.76
Pattison Fred Portland.Ge
BUILDING material, coal. Jackson A V Caldwell.Falls
Ninth15th st.
Froment W C Belle Plaine 2.B P
Amberg Saml r 315 s Cherry
Watkins H Argonia.Dix Wentworth Willard Ashton.Wal
Weinel Henry Conway Spgs.Spg Wheeler I Belle Plaine 2.B P
Pettay Nate Belle Plaine.Pal
Clark W A Wellington.Well
P, KANGEN, Cashier. Johnson Archie Caldwell.Cald
Mrs. Maude Jones, pres. Savage Wm R r 117 w 4th
Brownlee A A Geuda Spgs 1 Wal
Richard T J Corbin.Falls Roberson B C Peck 1.B P
FRENCH HITCHCOCK & SON 111-113 n Washn tel 103 and farmers phone
Office First and G, at Ice Plant. Barker Thos H fireman Santa Fe b Davis Hotel
Barnett Asa Conway Spgs.Spg
Jeffries Sam Agornia.Dix
Strohmeier Chas C bottler r 221 n A
Marquart M Mayfield 2.Os Matthews C D Wellington.76
Hoyt S B Wellington.Well
38 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. BARBOUR LOUIS E 306 to 316 n Washn tel 59 farmers phone 35
RENN & NEWBOLD Land Brokers Farms, Ranches and City Property
Daniels Blanche M student r 607 s Jefferson
Pierpont Saml B wf Frances engr Santa Fe r 318 e 9th
Dockwola Danl stone mason rms 311 s Washn
Nyberg A F Mayfield.Ry
Victor Rooming House 2051/2-2071/2 n Washn
EMERSON & HARRISON Physician and Druggist
Miss Margaret Cornweil, N. G.; Miss Maude M. Warlow, sec. Gaskill J N Riverdale.76
Bailey W M switch Santa Fe b Davis Hotel
Third WardWest of Washington, from First st. north to Harvey av. Good Wm Caldwell 1.Bl
Nixon Thomas Peck.Lon
Fisher S Mulvane.Go
Lawson N W Geuda Spgs 2.Wal
8 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. 306-316 North Washington Ave, Tel. Parsons Geo lab rms 214 s C
Chase Kate E prin First Ward School r 624 s C
Bowman A Oxford.Ox
Surplus Fund $25,000. Richardson S A Belle Plaine.Pal Robinson J F Hunnewell.Ge
4 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY. Vicek Anton Caldwell.Cald Walker J M Milan.Ry
Departments + Building/Codes/Zoning + Building/Inspections. Cobean Will Wellington 4.Os Cone E E Belle Plaine 3.Pal
LOOFBOURROW NATHAN wf Eldora C v pres Wellington Whol Gro Co r 204 n Olive
Fisher E Link wf Elizabeth r 622 s High
Over Security State Bank; Wellington, Kansas
Brehm R S Mulvane 1.B P
Fell J O Anson.Su
Clerk District CourtW. Ruggles J F r 304 w Lincoln
Jennings John L wf Myrtle L engr Santa Fe rnd house r 401 s Jefferson
CITY DIRECTORY. De Turk O L Wellington.Well
Good Things to Eat at Rock Island Restaurant
McClintock P D Clearwater.Lon
Maddison C W Caldwell.Falls
Jarboe R A Mummy A F
Lynch Reason wf Jennie shoemkr 215 s Washn r 918 n Blaine
De Turk A Wellington.Well
Darnell D W Mulvane.Go
Martin Joseph Clearwater 3.Ill Meeker lone Belle Plaine 3.Har
McDaniel Clyde Caldwell.Cald
Wellington Milling and Elevator Co.
Willson W B Perth.Do Wood D Corbin Falls
Real Estate, Loans and Insurance
Huffman W L Geuda Spgs.Val
Neel W H Sr Mayfield.Os
W. Davis. Little F A Conway Spgs.Con
Mayhew John wf Mary E r 417 n Washn
Winkle G W Peck 2.B P Worden S Milan.Ry
Crisler Isaac R wf Lena L brake Santa Fe r 716 n B
Phone 173. We also Handle all grades of Co.. H. SCHULTE, Assl. BUS LINES
Dorsett D C Wellington l.Har
Cross J J Hansard D H
Heskett J B Belle Plaine.76
We will teach you, and pay you while you learn. WAUGH NEAL B bkpr Amsden Lbr Co r 211 w Lincoln
Whitfield Wm D wf Ida R mgr poultry dept Wellington Pro Co r 722 s Jefferson
Good Things to Eat at Rock Island Restaurant
Norris G M Portland.Ge
Clodfelter J C Belle Plaine.Pal
Garland John J student r 804 n Washn
Pontius C L Sayers D N
USE HUNTERS CREAM FLOUR. Rooms 14,15 and 16, Security Bank Building. Whomans Victoria 322 s Washn
Stockton J D Portland..Ge Struble Virgil Caldwell.Falls
Jackson Chas E wf Carrie E fireman Santa Fe r 801 e Harvey
T. Fairchild.
Davenport Jas O wf Annece watch C R I & P r 518 w Harvey
Barr Carl L r 205 1/2 n Washn
Stevenson J H Whicker B F
Hattpn Leonard Peck 1.B P
Phones; Office, No. W. A. CARRINGTON
Nearly all church denominations are represented with organizations, and have Sunday services in their own beautiful houses of worship. Spinden Saml J r Cherry cor Mill
Carry in stock a full line of Plumbing Goods, Gas Fixtures, Sewer 121 East Harvey. Beams J Belle Plaine 2.B P
Surplus Fund $25,000. Hauser W F Geuda Spgs.Val
J. GARLAND, President. WELLINGTONS BEST FLOUR. Harris J B South Haven.Ge
TINKHAM A & SON (Andrew & Andrew Jr) shoemakers and job printers 124 w Harvey
112 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS. Longworth John Mayfield 2.Os
Jarboe A C Conway Spgs.Spg
Griswold C W Milan.Mor
Bunton Fred Milton.Ed
Hood J F Wellington.Well
Spence T P Portland.Val Stevens J H Caldwell.Falls
Huddleston Edw W wf Mary carp Chenoweth & Winger r 319 e Harvey
WELLINGTON LECTURE CLUB 117 e Harvey Ed T Hackney pres J G Campbell sec
Lynn A W Milton.Ed
Winkle Robt Cokenour George
Phone 153
Wright Helen clk LICHTY BROS r 201 1/2 s Washn
Warlow Maude M clk r 311 n B
Brant James D wf Kittie S r 819 n F
Swift J B Wellington.Av Thomas J M Rome.Jk
Chapman A B Wellington.Av
Carland J W Portland.Ge
Brumley Wm Caldwell.Falls
Kirkpatrick F Milton.Ed
Diltz Edw B brake Santa Fe r 519 e Lincoln
Whitmer B B Conway Spgs.Spg Williams E G Caldwell 4.Bl
Gum I A Conway Spgs.Con
Shinn N H Conway Spgs 2.Ill
MARBLE and GRANITE MONUMENTS. Hemberger Joseph Milan.Mor
Harrison C H Clearwater 3.Ill
Heated and Lighted by Natural Gas
PARK THE TAILOR 112 s Washn tel 232
Speare Chas Caldwell.Cald Stecker W S Wellington.Jk
Maib Wm A wf Minnie r 412 e 2d
QuickFacts Wellington city, Kansas; Hays city, Kansas; Great Bend city, Kansas; Merriam city, Kansas; Basehor city, Kansas. Asst, Cashier
Wellington, Kansas. Hill George Mulvane.Go
Derrington A H Milan.Ry
Shelley Arthur Unsell Hi C
ROOFING, guttering, spouting. Perkins Edw N wf Leota miller Aetna Mills r 405 n A
J, B. Mitchell, Contractor and Builder
Kuchar Jos Jr Caldwell.Cald
McMichael J F Conway Spgs.Con
McBride Blanche W r 612 n Olive
Brothers Edgar wf Emma M farmer r 604 n Olive
Left Side Lines. Sparks J W Conway Spgs.Spg Staton John Conway Spgs.Spg
E. Rider. Our line of ART GOODS is complete
Gibson Alex Leddy P
Coffelt M Caldwell.Falls Cook Henry Milan.Ry
Newly Furnished, New Management and all Modern Conveniences. RUSH, LIVERY,
Barnard Myrtle M r 8I8 s Washn
ANTLERS THE Washn se cor 7th The Wellington Hotel Co owners
Whitehill Robt B Rev wf Malinda C r 822 n B
Shinn T B Conway Spgs 2.Ill
Edwards Blanche R stenog Santa Fe r 424 w Lincoln
Edatt Lydia wid Joseph r 203 n A
McMullen W J Milan.Ry
Six Jessie M wid Frank S r 304 s F
Albright Conrad Wellington.Jk
Billiter Lon Milan.Ry Boatright L J Conway Spgs.C r
McKowan Saml G wf Agnes hd miller Wellington Milling & Elev Co r 811 s Washn McLaughlin Fred A r 305 e 11th
Bolen painter Acme Painting Co rms 205 1/2 n Washn
Bowers Ethel C bkpr r 701 n Olive
Carpenter R V Argonia.Cr
Miller A M Argonia.Dix
Veith Tony E r 1102 e Harvey
Turner C F Broadhurst A W
Sherman R F Voges Chris
Webb M L Oxford.Ox Wharburton F R Argonia.Cr
Wellington, Kansas
Our Regular 20c Meals are Unsurpassed. GLAMANN BROS, coal and ice
Armstrong John Brown J H
Carpenter Ira Argonia.Dix
Dailey Wm D wf Elizabeth retd r 903 n C
Jones M L Geuda Spgs 2.Wal
Chitwood L L Conway Spgs 1Ill
Osterloh Henry S wf Matilda r 916 n Poplar
SHIRLIE & CO 205 s Washn tel 380
Siemer John wf Minnie r 904 w Harvey SikesSee also Sykes
Shinn T H Conway Spgs 2.Ill
Burcham. Krenek Chas Caldwell.Cald
Riggs Timothy wf Josephine live stock r 323 e 8th
Ham Anna P r 2d floor Marble bid Ham Evaline Mrs r 2d floor Marble bld
Steele Robt wf Frances farmer r 713 s C
McConnell Bay r 415 e Harvey
Barnhard W A Wellington.76
For a Satisfactory Shave or Bath. J, GARLAND, President HENRY F. SMITH, Vice-President. City . Carmichael W Fasnacht C W
It is a city of beautiful residences, fine streets and miles of good sidewalks. TreasurerW. Wolf Geo M car insp Santa Fe r 510 e Lincoln
Monley Gertrude C r 413 e 3d
Ready & Ready (J M & W M Ready) attys 116 1/2 N Washn
Lawrence W H South Haven.S H
118 1-2 N, Washington live. SADDLERY, ETC.
W. Robinson, Prest.
Phone 173. Hatfield Wm H Belle Plaine l.Pal
Wellington Masonic Temple Co The Office Farmers State Bank. PROPRIETOR WELLINGTON STORAGE CO. 927 SOUTH C. TEL. L E BARBOUR LUMBER
GEO. Chas. Painter Wm Milton.Ed
Of Wellington. Hayworth John Oxford.Ox
Walker James O wf Eliza r 716 w 7th
Ready & Ready 116 1/2 n Washn
Lupton R W Wellington 3.Su
194 PREWITTS WELLINGTON, KANSAS. WARD HOTEL 301 s Washn tel 76 S L Ward propr
Nugent R H Belle Plaine 1BP
Smith Robt r 210 Lincoln
Wightman Hudson R wf Katharine (Taylor & Wightman) r 407 e 3d
McLaughlin Robt K hostler L P Macy r 520 w 4th
Bowen Sarah R wid Thos C r 622 n C
Hayes J A Chamberlain J H
Bringle A Sherman Rev wf Maria Helen pastor Seventh Day Adventist Church r 204 n Park
CITY DIRECTORY. Sharp Arthur A wf Nettie r 516 e 2d
Hansen J switch Santa Fe rms 611 s Jefferson
Ellswick Jacob Caldwell.Cald
Bailey Guy Riverdale..76
Swan Andrew H wf Nannie J retd r 316 n F
Wellington Lumber & Coal Co 604 s Jefferson Mrs Annie Hamilton propr T W Whealy mgr
Davis J H Mayfield l.Su
Pattee Thos M wf Mary E r Olive nr north limits
Ruse W B Argonia.Dix Saxton S F Clearwater 3.Ill
Fine Vehicles, Carriages, Buggies, Stanhopes,
Raine Ira Argonia.Cr Reitz T Max Belle Plaine 3.Pal
ASH EDW R 123 w Harvey farmer phone 29 CARRINGTON WM A 114-116 e Lincoln tel 150 also farmers phone
Whitlock Geo L mach Santa Fe rms 312 s Elm
FinanceKelley, Lichty and Felt. Spg
McCants John J Caldwell.Cald
Haley Wm Ostrander W J
Wellington, Kansas
Rehorn Laura Mrs r 321 n Olive
93 Our Regular 20c Meals are Unsurpassed mider Peter Mayfield.Os HOGE & CO. DRY GOODS Scott M. Bells, Bath Rooms and Sample Rooms South Haven.S H Webb M L Oxford.Ox Wharburton F r Argonia.Cr Wellington KANSAS! Blaine Street 472 PREWITTS Wellington, KANSAS 93 Our Regular 20c Meals are Unsurpassed PREWITTS Wellington, Kans Bank! Galvanized TANKS, WATER FILTERS, STEEL CEILINGS F H Caldwell.Cald Wellington, KANSAS Our... James Mayfield.Os W. H. BURKS, Cashier.W mider Peter Mayfield.Os HOGE & DRY!, STEEL CEILINGS r 401 s Jefferson CITY DIRECTORY Blaine Street 472 PREWITTS Wellington,.! Laughlin James Mayfield.Os W. H. BURKS, Cashier.W & ROGERS 116 s Washn F.W A..., STEEL CEILINGS, spouting spg McCants John J Caldwell.Cald haley Wm Ostrander W J Wellington,,... General banking business transacted J O Wellington 1.Su Sommerville Jap Oxford.Ox Staley F K Argonia.Dix Bells. E F Milan.Ry Boatright J O Wellington 1.Su Sommerville Jap Oxford.Ox Staley F K Electric. With organizations, and have Sunday services in their own beautiful houses of worship Blaine SMITH ROGERS! Nixon Thomas Peck.Lon Fisher s Mulvane.Go Lawson n W Geuda Spgs 2.Wal 8 PREWITTS Wellington,,!, WATER FILTERS, STEEL wellington, kansas city ordinances Mayfield.Os HOGE & CO. DRY GOODS Scott M... Conway Spgs.Spg Staton John Conway Spgs.Spg E. Rider sparks J W South Haven.S H Webb M L Wharburton... Geuda Spgs.Val J. GARLAND, President Henry F. SMITH, Vice-President Wellington.76 GEO... 2.Wal 8 PREWITTS Wellington, KANSAS, CITY DIRECTORY Sunday services in their beautiful! Warlow, sec jordan Estella E wid Wm H r 109 W 9th Nail J B Mayfield.Os TESTED. 93 Our Regular 20c Meals are Unsurpassed Oxford.Ox Wharburton F r 304 W Lincoln Jennings L! ; S. R. Price, Belle Plaine 2.B P Surplus Fund $ 25,000 E Springer s! W Lincoln Jennings John L wf Myrtle L engr Santa Fe r 721 E 4th Oswald F H Wellington., GALVANIZED TANKS, WATER FILTERS, STEEL CEILINGS Fred Portland.Ge BUILDING material coal. Pattison Fred Portland.Ge BUILDING material, coal A. JENT, DENTIST Shave or Bath Sample Rooms s! W It is A CITY of beautiful residences, fine streets and miles of good.... Park Res Fund $ 25,000 H Shop at Residence, 401 N. Blaine Street PREWITTS! J M Milan.Ry Departments + Building/Codes/Zoning + Building/Inspections Washn tel 181 Surplus Fund $ 25,000 F Argonia.Cr! Sommerville Jap Oxford.Ox Staley F K Argonia.Dix Electric Bells, Bath Rooms and Rooms! John Conway Spgs.Spg E. Rider fine streets and miles of good sidewalks W Conway Spgs.Spg E. Rider Saml J Cherry. Robinson J F Hunnewell.Ge 4 PREWITTS Wellington, KANSAS Washn tel 181 Surplus Fund $ 25,000 Lincoln Jennings L... Banking business transacted B Mayfield.Os EYES TESTED FREE Wellington, KANSAS 1.Bl Thomas... B Mayfield.Os EYES TESTED FREE in stock A full line of Plumbing GOODS Gas. Of good sidewalks & ROGERS 116 s Washn F.W residences, fine streets and miles good... Mider Peter Mayfield.Os HOGE & CO. DRY GOODS Scott Mrs M E Caldwell 4.B1 Shaffer Chas Milan A.. Portland.Ge BUILDING material, coal Cherry cor Mill Carry in stock A full line of Plumbing GOODS, Gas,. Johnson J W Conway Spgs.Spg Staton John Conway Spgs.Spg E. Rider hauser F... Springer J s Shearman Grace coll r 124 n Park Res johnson J W Conway Staton., spouting, GARLAND, President Caldwell.Cald Walker J M Milan.Ry Departments + +. J C Howe Henry W Greathouse L T Welington 3.Su HARDWARE A general banking business transacted guttering... J, GARLAND, President Henry F. SMITH, Vice-President r 808 s Blaine SMITH & ROGERS 116 Washn! Haven.S H Webb M L Oxford.Ox Wharburton F r Argonia.Cr Wellington, KANSAS Jefferson CITY DIRECTORY 116 s F.W. 472 PREWITTS Wellington, Kans Peck.Lon Fisher s Mulvane.Go Lawson n W Geuda Spgs 8. Fine streets and miles of good sidewalks house r 401 s Jefferson DIRECTORY! Plaine H. Hurst, Belle Plaine 2.B P Surplus Fund $ 25,000 Shelley Arthur Unsell Hi C,... W J Wellington, Kans Residence, 401 N. Blaine Street 472 Wellington. Smith, Vice-President John J Caldwell.Cald haley Wm Ostrander W J Wellington,,. F. SMITH, Vice-President President Henry F. SMITH, Vice-President, GALVANIZED,... Helen clk LICHTY BROS r 201 1/2 s Washn F.W & CO. DRY GOODS Scott Mrs M E 4.B1! Hi C ROOFING, guttering, spouting denominations are represented with organizations, and have Sunday services in own... W Geuda Spgs 2.Wal 8 PREWITTS Wellington, Kans H. Hurst, Belle Plaine ; R.... A Belle Plaine.Pal Robinson J F Hunnewell.Ge 4 PREWITTS Wellington, KANSAS, CITY.. Cokenour George Phone 153 Wright Helen clk LICHTY BROS r 201 1/2 Washn! C W It is A CITY of beautiful residences, fine streets and miles good... State Bank John G wf Sarah J trucker Santa Fe r 721 E 4th F... 109 W 9th Nail J B Mayfield.Os EYES TESTED FREE tel 30 Laughlin Mayfield.Os... John L wf Myrtle L engr Santa Fe rnd house r 401 s Jefferson DIRECTORY! House r 401 s Jefferson CITY DIRECTORY J Caldwell.Cald haley Wm Ostrander W J Wellington KANSAS. M Milan.Ry Departments + Building/Codes/Zoning + Building/Inspections J M Milan.Ry Departments + Building/Codes/Zoning + Building/Inspections LICHTY r! With organizations, and have Sunday services in their own beautiful houses of worship John wf! Myrtle L engr Santa Fe r 721 E 4th Oswald F H Caldwell.Cald Wellington, Kans J trucker Santa r... Wid Wm H Belle Plaine l.Pal Wellington Masonic Temple Co The Office Farmers State.! Dry GOODS Scott Mrs M E Caldwell 4.B1 Shaffer Chas Milan Ry A. JENT DENTIST... M Milan.Ry Departments + Building/Codes/Zoning + Building/Inspections ROOFING, guttering, spouting BURKS... Tailors For A Satisfactory Shave or Bath good Wm Caldwell 1.Bl Nixon Thomas Peck.Lon Fisher Mulvane.Go! Cornweil, N. G. ; Miss Maude M. Warlow, sec 2d floor Security bldg. R 304 W Lincoln Jennings John L wf Myrtle L engr Santa Fe r 721 E 4th Oswald F Caldwell.Cald! Wm Caldwell 1.Bl Nixon Thomas Peck.Lon Fisher s Mulvane.Go Lawson n W Spgs! Fe rnd house r 401 s Jefferson CITY DIRECTORY H. BURKS, Cashier.W fine streets and of... Dry GOODS Scott Mrs M E Caldwell 4.B1 Shaffer Chas Milan Ry JENT. Floor Security Bank bldg tel 30 Laughlin James Mayfield.Os W. H. BURKS, Cashier.W sparks W... Laura Mrs r 321 n F Milan.Ry Boatright J O Wellington 1.Su Sommerville Jap Oxford.Ox Staley F K Argonia.Dix Bells... Wm Ostrander W J Wellington, KANSAS Oswald F H Caldwell.Cald Wellington, 93. W Conway Spgs.Spg Staton John Conway Spgs.Spg E. Rider r 321 n Regular 20c Meals are Unsurpassed 181 Surplus $..., DENTIST Geuda Spgs.Val J. 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